@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Apps » Twitter for Android v2.0.0 (Android)

2011-2-25 11:56 bunnylai
Twitter for Android v2.0.0 (Android)

[b]Official Twitter for Android v2.0.0[/b]
[u]Requirements:[/u] Android 2.1+
[u]Overview:[/u] Discover what's happening right now, anywhere in the world with the official Twitter for Android app.


Recent changes:
All new version!
- Easier navigation and layout
- Scan your contacts to find friends that are on twitter (under search screen)
- Universal search
- Local trends
- Autocomplete @usernames while tweeting
- Easier photo uploading
- Faster tweet actions (reply, retweet, follow, etc.)

[u]More info:[/u]

[b]Filesonic Download Links:[/b]

[b]Hotfile Download Links:[/b]

[b]    Torrent Mirror: [/b][url=http://torrent.dl4all.com/search/Twitter for Android v2.0.0 (Android)]Twitter for Android v2.0.0 (Android)[/url]

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