@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Apps » Google Goggles v1.3.1 (Android)

2011-2-25 11:59 bunnylai
Google Goggles v1.3.1 (Android)

[b]Google Goggles v1.3.1[/b]
[u]Requirements:[/u] All Android verions
[u]Overview:[/u] Search by taking a picture. Identifies products, famous landmarks, storefronts, artwork, and popular images found online. Goggles can translate words in English, French, Italian, German & Spanish.


Here are just a few of the useful things you can do:

Bar Codes - Snap a shot of a bar code on almost anything - a can of beans at the supermarket or a washing machine at Home Depot - and get connected to a world of information. Product ratings, nutrition, even competitive prices.

Translate Text - Take a picture of something in German and it will translate it into English. Presumably works for some other languages as well.

Magazine Ads - Some magazine ads now include data that can be scanned by smart phones. Get a coupon or more info from a print ad.

Landmarks - Take a picture of a landmark and you're connected to directions, hours, travel guides.

Books - Photograph a book cover and find out about the author, plot, publisher and retailers.

Business Cards - Take a picture of a business card and capture the contact information.

Wine - Snap a shot of the label and find out what others thought about the vintage

Solve Sudoku Puzzles - See screenshots :)

Recent changes:
* Fixed a crash for Android 1.6 (Donut) users
* Fixes for processors without support for NEON instructions
* Misc bug fixes

[u]More info:[/u]

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[b]    Torrent Mirror: [/b][url=http://torrent.dl4all.com/search/Google Goggles v1.3.1 (Android)]Google Goggles v1.3.1 (Android)[/url]

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