@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Apps » MusicSleep v1.4.8 (Android)

2011-3-6 00:07 bunnylai
MusicSleep v1.4.8 (Android)

MusicSleep v1.4.8 (Android)

[align=center][b]MusicSleep v1.4.8
Requirements: Android
Overview: Now you can listen to music while going to sleep, and you can set a timer for the music to stop playing.[/b][/align]

It supports the Default Music Player, HTC player, Pandora, Spotify, Slacker, G Listen, Lastfm, TuneWiki, Streamfurious, Meridian, DroidLive, RockON, Subsonic, Doggcatcher, MixZing, Imeem and more!

*Experimental: Sony Mediascape*

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